Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Poem for Elliot

Winner of the Grading Girl contest...

Unwrap Me
by Stefanie Dell’Aringa

Scout’s honor, this is my life:
I feel like an Egyptian mummy
being wrapped in slow motion from the feet up
My insides are like pottery breaking
As the python cloth squeezes
Unwrap me, please, and let me be a boy again
Because my ankles are tired
And I don’t like the word “prosthetic”
If Star Wars was real, I’d light saber myself
Out of this mess
Hurry, and find me a cure
Until then, I’ll go outside
I’ll blow hot, angry air into my trumpet
I’ll eat cake. Sweet!
I’ll decide I can wait
And then I’ll go to bed and dream
Of a ladder made of Legos
That reaches straight to heaven
and it doesn’t hurt to climb it


  1. Dear Elliot,

    Thank you for posting my poem on your website! Please tell your Mom thank you for the bowls. I received them a few days ago and they are just adorable.

    Hang in there!

    Your friend,

    Stefanie Dell'Aringa

  2. Elliot, you sound like an amazing hero to me!
