For Immediate Release: Speedy Mouse and Dr. David Pleasure take on “The Dark Side”Dr. David Pleasure of the University of California-Davis is developing a mouse which will

carry Elliot Adler's form of CMT, post-natally. Master Elliot has named the mouse ‘Speedy’. Together, Dr. Pleasure and Speedy will take on the Dark Side of CMT by testing various drug treatments over the next few years. The information will be made available to researchers across the galaxy.
“With continued funding,” Speedy told reporters. “Dr. Pleasure will make great inroads to finding a cure for CMT. May the Force be with him.”
Make a donation today at
As m

any of you already know, my son Elliot was diagnosed with CMT2 (Charcot Marie Tooth) in October of 2007 when he was 7 years old. In a nutshell: his nerves are dying - starting at his toes. The Adler grandparents, in cooperation with the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation, founded the “Help Elliot Live Proud” fund (H.E.L.P.) to raise money for CMT research. Dr. David Pleasure has just launched the first of these efforts. Please consider book marking This blog will be updated often with bits of information on both the ‘boy’ and the ‘research’.
Please Support the Speedy Mouse ProjectI’m challenged to help my 8 year old understand the time and resources it will take to find a cure for CMT. All he wants to know is “when will I be able to run again” or “how can I make this go away”. I wish I could give him the date, time and place. But all I can provide is reassurance, hope and love. Please support Elliot by supporting
Elliot thanks you for your generous support!
Thanks to Anna
at the
House of Mouse for the use of her terrific mice!
Awesome site, but I'm finding that I want to know more about CMT.
ReplyDeleteI am a 27 year old single mom with CMT. It seems my daughter has it as well. I am so happy to see you are so driven to help your son. Not to mention helping spread the word about CMT. Thanks!